Significant decision concerning arbitration clauses and foreign governing law clauses

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

The Athens Court of Appeals recently issued a very “English” decision in a case handled by our dispute resolution team, led by Senior Partner, Gregory Pelecanos.

Arbitration clauses and foreign governing law clauses, which have been negotiated and agreed to by reasonably experienced businesses, must be respected even if the combination would result in the negation of a right which may be understood as a “mandatory right” as per Art. 9 Rome I, such as “goodwill indemnity” claims under Dir.86/653/EC.

Ballas Pelecanos Law acted for the defendant. Gregory Pelecanos , Senior Partner and George Moukas , Senior Associate, argued for the defendant.

For more information about our Dispute Resolution practice group or this particular case, please contact [email protected] 

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